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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Medical Science Invention with their Inventor

Here is full list of Medical Science Invention with their Inventor in World.

Name of Scientist Invention
Battin  Insulin
G Domag  Sulfa drugs
DR. Moment Muller  D. D. T.
Oijkman  Berry Berry  therapy
Arthur R. Berg and James Watson.  D.N. A
James D. Watson and Crick.           R. N. A
Sir Alexander  Fleming, penicillin
And Florey (1929) William Harvey (1628)  Hematology transport
Karl Landsteiner  Blood groups
Hahnemann  Homeopathy
Funk Makuln  Vitamin 
Makuln  Vitamin B
Yujoks Holkt  Vitamin C
F. G. Hopkins (1992)  Vitamin D 
Edward Jenner (1796)  Rest smallpox
Dresser  Aspirin
Rebi  Chloroquine (quinine)
Gobind Khorana Each genetic code 
Finlay  Teramaisin
Lyuvenhok  Bacteria
Ro berth  Typhoid bacteria
Reid yellow  Fever therapy
Paul Eric  Syphilis therapy
Finsen therapy  Ultra violet rays
Robert Koch (1882),  TB 
-Making (1816),  Stethoscope
Lord Joseph Lister (1867)   Antiseptic therapy
Louis Pasteur (1882)  Haidrofobia therapy
Dr. Ronald Ross (1920)  Treatment of malaria
DR. Jones Iksalk (1955)  Anti-polio vaccine
Sir James Harrison  Chloroform
Waxman  Streptomaisin
Christians Bernard  Heart Transplant
Hahnemann  Homeopathy

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