
मेहनत इतनी खामोसी से करो की सफलता शोर मचा दे।

Monday, May 23, 2016

List of Solar System planets and their key facts in Hindi

सौरमंडल सूर्य और उसकी परिक्रमा करते ग्रह, क्षुद्रग्रह और धूमकेतुओ से बना है। इसके केन्द्र मे सूर्य है और सबसे बाहरी सीमा पर नेप्च्युन ग्रह है। नेपच्युन के परे प्लुटो जैसे बौने ग्रहो के अलावा धूमकेतु भी आते है।

सौरमंडल में कुल कितने ग्रह हैं

‘निक्स ओलंपिया कोलंपस पर्वत’किस ग्रह पर है मंगल
‘सी ऑफ ट्रंक्विलिटी’ कहाँ स्थित है चंद्रमा पर
‘सौंदर्य का देव’ किस ग्रह को कहा जाता है शुक्र ग्रह को
अंतरिक्ष में कुल कितने तारा मंडल हैं 89
अरुण ग्रह की खोज कब हुई 1781 ई.
आकार के अनुसार ग्रहों का घटता क्रम क्या है बृहस्पति, शनि, अरुण, वरुण, पृथ्वी, शुक्र, मंगल एवं बुध
उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध में सबसे बड़ा दिन कौन-सा है 21 जून
एक कलेंडर वर्ष में अधिकतम कितने ग्रहण हो सकते हैं 7
किस आकाशीय पिंड को ‘पृथ्वी पुत्र’ कहा जाता है चंद्रमा
किस उपग्रह को जीवाश्म ग्रह कहा जाता है चंद्रमा को
किस ग्रह को पृथ्वी की बहन कहा जाता है शुक्र
किस ग्रह पर जीव रहते हैं पृथ्वी
किस तिथि को रात-दिन बराबर होते हैं 21 मार्च व 22 सितंबर
किस देश र्में रात्रि को सूर्य दिखाई देता है नॉर्वे
किसी ग्रह के चारों ओर घूमने वाले पिंड को क्या कहते हैं उपग्रह
कौन-सा खगोलीय पिंड ‘रात की रानी’ कहा जाता है चंद्रमा
कौन-सा ग्रह सूर्य का चक्कर सबसे कम समय में लगाता है बुध
कौन-सा ग्रह सूर्य के सबसे निकट है बुध
कौन-सा ग्रह हरा प्रकाश उत्सर्जित करता है वरूण
कौन-से ग्रह जिनके उपग्रह नहीं हैं बुध व शुक्र
कौन-से ग्रह सूर्य के चारों ओर दक्षिणावर्त घूमते हैं शुक्र व अरुण
ग्रहों की गति के नियम का पता किसने लगाया केपलर
चंद्र ग्रहण कब होता है पूर्णिमा को
चंद्रमा के प्रकाश को पृथ्वी तक पहुँचने में कितलर समय लगता है 2 सेकेंड से कम
चंद्रमा क्या है उपग्रह
चंद्रमा पृथ्वी की एक परिक्रमा कितने समय में लगाता है 27 दिन 8 घंटा
ज्वार भाटा किसके कारण आता है सूर्य व चंद्रमा के अपकेंद्र व आकर्षण बल के कारण
ज्वार भाटा की स्थिति में सबसे अधिक प्रभाव किसका होता है चंद्रमा का
डायमंड रिंग की घटना किस समय होती है सूर्य ग्रहण के समय
दक्षिणी गोलार्द्ध में सबसे बड़ा दिन कौन-सा होता है 22 दिसंबर
नंगी आँखों द्वारा किस ग्रह को देख सकते हैं शनि ग्रह
नीला ग्रह पृथ्वी
पूर्ण सूर्य ग्रहण के समय सूर्य का कौन-सा भाग दिखाई देता है किरीट
पृथ्वी अपने अक्ष पर एक चक्कर कितने दिन में लगाती है 365 दिन 5 घंटा 48 मिनटर 46 सेकेंड
पृथ्वी अपने अक्ष पर किस दिशा में घूमती है पश्चिम से पूर्व की ओर
पृथ्वी और सूर्य के बीच औसत दूरी लगभग होती है 150×107°C
पृथ्वी का उपग्रह कौन है चंद्रमा
पृथ्वी का एकमात्र उपग्रह है चन्द्रमा ( मून )
पृथ्वी की तरह किस ग्रह पर जीवन की संभावना है मंगल ग्रह
पृथ्वी के सबसे निकट ग्रह है शुक्र ( वीनस )
पृथ्वी को नीला ग्रह क्यो कहा जाता है जल की उपस्थिति के कारण
पृथ्वी द्वारा सूर्य की एक परिक्रमा को क्या कहते हैं सौर वर्ष
पृथ्वी पर ऋतु परिवर्तन का क्या कारण है अक्ष पर झुकी होने के कारण
पृथ्वी बनावट एवं आकार में किस ग्रह के समान है शुक्र ग्रह
पृथ्वी सूर्य के सबसे निकट कब होती है 3 जनवरी
पृथ्वी सूर्य से सबसे अधिक दूर कब होती है 4 जुलाई को
पृथ्वी से चन्द्रमा का कितना भाग देख सकते हैं 57%
प्राचीन भारतीय सूर्य को क्या मानते थे ग्रह
प्लूटो ग्रह की मान्यता कब समाप्त की गई 24 अगस्त, 2006 को
बुध ग्रह सूर्य का एक चक्कर लगाने में कितना समय लेता है 88 दिन
बृहस्पति ग्रह की खोज किस वैज्ञानिक ने की गैलीलियो
बृहस्पति ग्रह को सूर्य की एक परिक्रमा करने में लगभग कितना समय लगता है 12 वर्ष
बृहस्पति ग्रह पर एक विशाल धब्बा है। इस धब्बे की खोज किस अंतरिक्ष यान द्वारा हुई पायनियर अंतरिक्ष यान द्वारा
ब्रहाण्ड का व्यास है 108 प्रकाश वर्ष
ब्रह्मांड में विस्फोटी तारा क्या कहलाता है अभिनव तारा
भू-कक्ष तल पर भू-अक्ष का झुकाव कितना होता है 66 1/2°
भोर का तारा शुक्र
मंगल और बृहस्पति ग्रहों के मध्य सूर्य की परिक्रमा करने वाले पिंडों को क्या कहते हैं क्षुद्रग्रह
मंगल ग्रह को सूर्य की परिक्रमा करने में कितना समय लगता है 687 दिन
मध्य रात्रि का सूर्य किस क्षेत्र में दिखाई देता है आर्कटिक क्षेत्र में
यदि पृथ्वी एवं अंतरिक्ष के बीच वायुमंडल ने हो तो आकाश का रंग कैसा दिखाई देगा काला
यूरेनस की खोज किसने की हर्शेल ने
रात व दिन होने का क्या कारण है पृथ्वी का अपने अक्ष पर घूमना
रात्रि में लाल दिखाई देने वाला ग्रह मंगल
रात्रि में लाल दिखाई देने वाला ग्रह मंगल
वर्ष दीर्घतम कहाँ होता है नेप्चयून (वरुण) ग्रह पर
विशाल लाल धब्बे वाला ग्रह बृहस्पति
सबसे अधिक उपग्रहों वाला ग्रह बृहस्पति
सबसे अधिक चमकीला ग्रह है शुक्र ( वीनस )
सबसे अधिक चमकीला तारा साइरस
सबसे अधिक ठंडा ग्रह वरुण
सबसे अधिक ठंडा ग्रह है वरुण
सर्वप्रथम पृथ्वी की त्रिज्या किस वैज्ञानिक ने मापी इरैटोस्थनीज
सर्वाधिक उपग्रहों वाला ग्रह है शनि ( सैटर्न )
साँझ का तारा शुक्र
सिजिगी क्या है सूर्य, पृथ्वी और चंद्रमा का एक सीधी रेखा में होना
सूर्य का व्यास पृथ्वी के व्यास का कितना गुना है 110 गुना लगभग
सूर्य का सबसे निकट स्थित ग्रह है बुध ( मरकरी )
सूर्य की दीप्तिमान सतह को क्या कहते हैं प्रकाश मंडल
सूर्य के केंद्रीय भाग को कहते हैं क्रोड
सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमने वाले पिंड को क्या कहते हैं ग्रह
सूर्य के धरातल का तापमान लगभग कितना है 6000°C
सूर्य के मध्य भाग को क्या कहते हैं प्रकाश मंडल
सूर्य के रासायनिक संगठन में हाइड्रोजन का % कितना है 71%
सूर्य के सबसे दूर स्थित ग्रह है वरुण
सूर्य कौन-सी गैस का गोला है हाइड्रोजन व हीलियम
सूर्य ग्रहण कब होता है अमावस्या को
सूर्य द्वारा ऊर्जा देते रहने का समय कितना है 1011 वर्ष
सूर्य से ग्रह की दूरी को क्या कहा जाता है उपसौर
सूर्य से सबसे दूर कौन-सा ग्रह है वरुण
सूर्य सौरमंडल का केंद्र है और पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमती है, यह पता सर्वप्रथम किसने लगाया कॉपरनिकस
सौन्दर्य का देव शुक्र
सौरमंडल का जन्मदाता किसे कहा जाता है सूर्य को
सौरमंडल का सबसे छोटा उपग्रह डीमोस
सौरमंडल का सबसे छोटा उपग्रह है डीमोस
सौरमंडल का सबसे छोटा ग्रह है बुध
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा उपग्रह गैनिमेड
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा उपग्रह है गानीमेड
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा और भारी ग्रह बृहस्पति ( जुपिटर )
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा ग्रह कौन-सा है बृहस्पति
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा ज्वालामुखी कौन-सा है ओलिपस मेसी
सौरमंडल की खोज किसने की कॉपरनिकस
हैली घूमकेतू का आवर्त काल कितना है 76 वर्ष

Monday, May 16, 2016

List of BRICS Summits Since 2009

Below given a list of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) summits held at different venues. The summit has been held annually since 2009, with member countries taking turns to host. Two BRICS summits were held, in 2009 and 2010 prior to South Africa’s admission. The first five-member BRICS summit was held in 2011.

Summit Date Venue
1st 16-Jun-09 Yakaterinburg, Russia
2nd 15-Apr-10 Brasilia, Brazil
3rd 14-Apr-11 Sanya, China
4th 29-Mar-12 New Delhi, India
5th 26-27 March 2013 Durban, South Africa
6th July 2014 (to be held) Fortaleza, Brazil
7th 2015 Ufa, Russia

Thursday, May 12, 2016

List of Countries With their Capital and Currency by Continent Wise

There are 7 continent in the world. Each Continent has own country and each country has capital and their currency. Check out a list of world's countries and their capitals and currencies.

Asian Country


Afghanistan Kabul Afgani
Armenia Yerevan Dram
Azerbaijan Baku Manat
Bahrain Al-Manamah Bahraini Dinar
Bangladesh Dhaka Taka
Bhutan Thimphu Ngultrum
Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Dollar
China Beijing Yuan
Cyprus Nicosia Cypriot Pound
Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel
East Timor Dili U.S. Dollar
India New Delhi Indian Rupee
Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah
Iran Tehran Rial
Iraq Baghdad Iraqi Dinar
Israel Tele Aviv Shekel
Japan Tokyo Yen
Jordan Amman Jordanian Dinar
Kazakhstan Akmola Tenge
Korea (North) Pyongyang Won
Korea (South) Seoul Won
Kuwait Kuwait City Kuwaiti Dinar
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Kyrgyzstani Som 
Laos Vientiane Kip
Lebanon Beirut Lebanese Pound
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Ringgit
Maldives Male Rufiyaa
Mongolia Ulan-Bator Tugrik
Myanmar Yangon Kyat
Nepal Kathmandu Nepalese Rupee
Oman Muscat Rial Omani
Pakistan Islamabad Pakistani Rupee
Philippines Manila Peso
Qatar Doha Qatari Riyal
European Country
Åland Islands Mariehamn Euro(EUR)
Albania Tirana Lek(ALL)
Andorra Andorra la Vella Euro(EUR)
Austria Vienna Euro(EUR)
Belarus Minsk Belarusian ruble(BYR)
Belgium Brussels Euro(EUR)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo Convertible mark(BAM)
Bulgaria Sofia Lev(BGN)
Croatia Zagreb Kuna(HRK)
Czech Republic Prague Czech koruna(CZK)
Denmark Copenhagen Danish krone(DKK)
Estonia Tallinn Euro(EUR)
Faroe Islands Tórshavn Faroese króna (DKK)
Finland Helsinki Euro(EUR)
France Paris Euro (EUR)
Germany Berlin Euro(EUR)
Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar pound (GIP)
Greece Athens Euro(EUR)
Guernsey Saint Peter Port Pound sterlingc (GBP)
Hungary Budapest Forint(HUF)
Iceland Reykjavík Icelandic króna(ISK)
Ireland Dublin Euro (EUR)
Isle of Man Douglas Manx pound (official)
Italy Rome Euro(EUR)
Jersey Saint Helier Pound sterlingd (GBP)
Kosovo Pristina Euro (EUR)
Latvia Ryga Euro(EUR)
Liechtenstein Vaduz Swiss franc(CHF)
Lithuania Vilnius Euro(EUR)
Luxembourg Luxembourg Euro(EUR)
Macedonia Skopje Macedonian denar(MKD)
Malta Valletta Euro(EUR)
Moldova Chişinău Moldovan leu(MDL)
Monaco Monaco Euro(EUR)
Montenegro Podgorica Euro (EUR)
Netherlands Amsterdam Euro (EUR)
Norway Oslo Norwegian krone(NOK)
Poland Warsaw Złoty(PLN)
Portugal Lisbon Euro (EUR)
Romania Bucharest Romanian leu(RON)
San Marino San Marino Euro(EUR)
Serbia Belgrade Serbian dinar(RSD)
Slovakia Bratislava Euro(EUR)
Slovenia Ljubljana Euro(EUR)
Spain Madrid Euro(EUR)
Svalbard Longyearbyen Norwegian krone (NOK)
Sweden Stockholm Swedish krona(SEK)
Switzerland Bern Swiss franc
Transnistria Tiraspol Transnistrian rubled(PRB)
Ukraine Kiev Ukrainian hryvnia(UAH)
United Kingdom London Pound sterling (GBP)
Vatican City Vatican City Euro(EUR)
Algeria Agiers Algerian dinar (DZD)
Angola Luanda Kwanza(AOA)
Benin Porto-Novo (official) West African CFA franc (XOF)
Botswana Gaborone Pula(BWP)
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou West African CFA franc(XOF)
Burundi Bujumbura Burundian franc(BIF)
Cameroon Yaoundé Central AfricanCFA franc(XAF)
Cape Verde Praia Cape Verdean escudo(CVE)
Central African Republic Bangui Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Chad N’Djamena Central African CFA franc(XAF)
Comoros Moroni Comorian franc(KMF)
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) Brazzaville Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Yamoussoukro (official),Abidjan (seat of government) West African CFA franc(XOF)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) Kinshasa Congolese franc(CDF)
Djibouti Djibouti Djiboutian franc(DJF)
Egypt Cairo Egyptian pound(EGP)
Equatorial Guinea Malabo Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Eritrea Asmara Eritrean nakfa (ERN)
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Ethiopian birr (ETB)
Gabon Libreville Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Gambia Banjul Gambian dalasi (GMD)
Ghana Accra Ghana cedi (GHS)
Guinea Conakry Guinean franc(GNF)
Guinea-Bissau Bissau West African CFA franc(XOF)
Kenya Nairobi Kenyan shilling(KES)
Lesotho Maseru Lesotho loti(LSL)
Liberia Monrovia Liberian dollara(LRD)
Libya Tripoli Libyan dinar (LYD)
Madagascar Antananarivo Malagasy ariary(MGA)
Malawi Lilongwe Kwacha(D) (MWK)
Mali Bamako West African CFA franc (XOF)
Mauritania Nouakchott Ouguiya(MRO)
Mauritius Port Louis Mauritian rupee(MUR)
Mayotte Mamoudzou,Overseas department of France Euro(EUR)
Morocco Rabat Moroccan dirham(MAD)
Mozambique Maputo Mozambican metical(MZN)
Namibia Windhoek Namibian dollar(NAD)
Niger Niamey West African CFA franc(XOF)
Nigeria Abuja Naira (NGN)
Réunion Saint-Denis Euro
Rwanda Kigali Rwandan franc(RWF)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Jamestown (Saint Helena), Saint Helena pound,Pound sterling
Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé Dobra(STD)
Senegal Dakar CFA franc(XOF)
Seychelles Victoria Seychellois rupee(SCR)
Sierra Leone Freetown Leone(SLL)
Somalia Mogadishu Somali shilling(SOS)
Somaliland Hargeisa Somaliland shillinga (SLSH)
South Africa Pretoria (administrative/executive), South African rand(ZAR)
South Sudan Juba South Sudanese pound(SSP)
Sudan Khartoum Sudanese pound(SDG)
Swaziland Mbabane (administrative), South African randSwazi lilangeni (SZL)
Tanzania Dodoma (official), Tanzanian shilling(TZS)
Togo Lomé CFA franc(XOF)
Tunisia Tunis Tunisian dinar(TND)
Uganda Kampala Ugandan shilling(UGX)
Zambia Lusaka Zambian kwacha(ZMW)
Zimbabwe Harare various(United States Dollar, Euro, Botswana pula, Pound sterling, South African rand)
North American Countries
Antigua and Barbuda St. Johns Dollar
Bahamas Nassau Dollar
Barbados Bridgetown Dollar
Belize Belmopan Dollar
Canada Ottawa Canadian Dollar
Costa Rica San Jose Colon
Cuba Havana Peso
Dominica Roseau Sterling
El Salvador San Salvador Colon
Grenada St. George Dollar
Guatemala Guatemala City Quetzal
Haiti Port-au-Prince Gourde
Honduras Tegucigalpa Lempira
Jamaica Kingston Dollar
Mexico Mexico City Peso
Nicaragua Managua Cordoba
Panama Panama City Balboa
St. Kitts and Nevis Basseterre Dollar
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain Dollar
United States of America Washington D.C. Dollar
South American Countries
Argentina Buenos Aires Peso(ARS)
Bolivia Sucre (official) Boliviano (BOB)
Brazil Brasília Real(BRL)
Chile Santiago Peso(CLP)
Colombia Bogotá Peso(COP)
Ecuador Quito United States dollar(USD)
Falkland Islands Stanley Falklands pound(FKP)
French Guiana Cayenne Euro(Eur)
Guyana Georgetown Guyanese dollar(GYD)
Paraguay Asunción Guaraní(PYG)
Peru Lima Nuevo sol(PEN)
Suriname Paramaribo Surinamese dollar(SRD)
Uruguay Montevideo Uruguayan peso(UYU)
Venezuela Caracas Bolívar fuerte (VEF)
Australian Countries
American Samoa Pago Pago United States dollar(USD)
Ashmore and Cartier Islands External territory of Australia
Australia Canberra Australian dollar(AUD)
Baker Island Insular area of the United States of America
Cook Islands Avarua New Zealand dollar (NZD)
Coral Sea Islands External territory of Australia
Fiji Suva Fijian dollar (FJD)
French Polynesia Papeete CFP Franc(XPF)
Guam Hagåtña Insular area of the United States of America
Howland Island Insular area of the United States of America
Jarvis Island Insular area of the United States of America
Johnston Atoll Insular area of the United States of America
Kingman Reef Insular area of the United States of America
Kiribati South Tarawa
Marshall Islands Majuro
Micronesia Palikir
Midway Atoll Insular area of the United States of America
Nauru Yaren (seat of government)
New Caledonia Nouméa CFP Franc (XPF)
New Zealand Wellington New Zealand dollar (NZD)
Niue Alofi Self-governing parliamentary democracy in free association with New Zealand
Norfolk Island Kingston Self-governing territory of Australia
Northern Mariana Islands Saipan Insular area of the United States of America
Palau Ngerulmud
Palmyra Atoll Insular area of the United States of America
Papua New Guinea Port Moresby
Pitcairn Islands Adamstown Overseas territory of the United Kingdom
Samoa Apia
Solomon Islands Honiara
Tokelau Nukunonu (main settlement, although each atoll has its own administrative centre) Dependent territory of New Zealand
Tonga Nukuʻalofa
Tuvalu Funafuti
Vanuatu Port Vila Vanuatu vatu(VUV)
Wake Island Insular area of the United States of America United States dollar
Wallis and Futuna Mata-Utu CFP Franc(XPF)
African Countries
Algeria Agiers Algerian dinar (DZD)
Angola Luanda Kwanza(AOA)
Benin Porto-Novo (official) West African CFA franc (XOF)
Botswana Gaborone Pula(BWP)
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou West African CFA franc(XOF)
Burundi Bujumbura Burundian franc(BIF)
Cameroon Yaoundé Central AfricanCFA franc(XAF)
Cape Verde Praia Cape Verdean escudo(CVE)
Central African Republic Bangui Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Chad N’Djamena Central African CFA franc(XAF)
Comoros Moroni Comorian franc(KMF)
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) Brazzaville Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Yamoussoukro (official),Abidjan (seat of government) West African CFA franc(XOF)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) Kinshasa Congolese franc(CDF)
Djibouti Djibouti Djiboutian franc(DJF)
Egypt Cairo Egyptian pound(EGP)
Equatorial Guinea Malabo Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Eritrea Asmara Eritrean nakfa (ERN)
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Ethiopian birr (ETB)
Gabon Libreville Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Gambia Banjul Gambian dalasi (GMD)
Ghana Accra Ghana cedi (GHS)
Guinea Conakry Guinean franc(GNF)
Guinea-Bissau Bissau West African CFA franc(XOF)
Kenya Nairobi Kenyan shilling(KES)
Lesotho Maseru Lesotho loti(LSL)
Liberia Monrovia Liberian dollara(LRD)
Libya Tripoli Libyan dinar (LYD)
Madagascar Antananarivo Malagasy ariary(MGA)
Malawi Lilongwe Kwacha(D) (MWK)
Mali Bamako West African CFA franc (XOF)
Mauritania Nouakchott Ouguiya(MRO)
Mauritius Port Louis Mauritian rupee(MUR)
Mayotte Mamoudzou,Overseas department of France Euro(EUR)
Morocco Rabat Moroccan dirham(MAD)
Mozambique Maputo Mozambican metical(MZN)
Namibia Windhoek Namibian dollar(NAD)
Niger Niamey West African CFA franc(XOF)
Nigeria Abuja Naira (NGN)
Réunion Saint-Denis Euro
Rwanda Kigali Rwandan franc(RWF)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Jamestown (Saint Helena), Saint Helena pound,Pound sterling
Georgetown (Ascension Island),
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (Tristan da Cunha)
Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé Dobra(STD)
Senegal Dakar CFA franc(XOF)
Seychelles Victoria Seychellois rupee(SCR)
Sierra Leone Freetown Leone(SLL)
Somalia Mogadishu Somali shilling(SOS)
Somaliland Hargeisa Somaliland shillinga (SLSH)
South Africa Pretoria (administrative/executive), South African rand(ZAR)
South Sudan Juba South Sudanese pound(SSP)
Sudan Khartoum Sudanese pound(SDG)
Swaziland Mbabane (administrative), South African randSwazi lilangeni (SZL)
Togo Lomé CFA franc(XOF)
Tunisia Tunis Tunisian dinar(TND)
Uganda Kampala Ugandan shilling(UGX)
Zambia Lusaka Zambian kwacha(ZMW)
Zimbabwe Harare various(United States Dollar, Euro, Botswana pula, Pound sterling, South African rand)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

International Organisation list with their Headquarter and Founding Date

An international organizations are an international membership, scope, or presence. There are two main types: International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs): non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate internationally.

Name of Organisation
Head Etablishment year Headquarter
World Trade Organization Roberto Azevedo 1 January, 1995 Geneva, Switzerland
World Health Organization Dr Margaret Chan 7 April, 1948 Geneva, Switzerland
World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab 1971 Geneva, Switzerland
World Intellectual Property Organisation Francis Gurry 14-Jul-67 Geneva, Switzerland
International Labour Organisation Guy Ryder 1919 Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations Conference on Trade & Development Mukhisa Kituyi 1964 Geneva, Switzerland
World Meteorological Organisation Michel Jarraud 1950 Geneva, Switzerland
International Committee of the Red Cross Jakob Kellenberger 1863 Geneva, Switzerland
International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde 27 December, 1945 Washington DC, US
The World Bank July, 1944 Washington DC, US
United Nations Organization Ban Ki-moon 1945 New York, US
United Nations Children’s Fund Anthony Lake December, 1946 New York, US
United Nations Populations Fund Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin 1969 New York, US
Asian Development Bank Manila, Philippines 22 August, 1966
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Jin Liqun 4 October, 2014 Beijing, China
New Development Bank K. V. Kamath July, 2015 Shanghai, China
United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organisation Irina Bokova 16 November, 1945 Paris, France
Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development Jose Angel Gurria 30 September, 1961 Paris, France
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Philip M. Breedlove 4 April, 1949 Brussels, Belgium
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Dr. Alan Bollard 1989 Singapore
Association of South East Nations 8 August, 1967 Jakarta, Indonesia
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 8 December, 1985 Kathmandu, Nepal
International Maritime Organisation Koji Sekimizu 1959 London, UK
Amnesty International Salil Shetty July, 1961 London, UK
Commonwealth of Nations Queen Elizabeth II 28 April, 1949 London, UK
International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano 29-Jul-57 Vienna, Austria
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Li Yong 1966 Vienna, Austria
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Diezani Alison-Madueke 1961-62 Vienna, Austria
International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach 23 June, 1894 Lausanne, Switzerland
International Cricket Council ) N. Srinivasan (Chairman) 15 June, 1909 Dubai, UAE
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association Joseph S. Blatter 21 May, 1904 Zurich, Switzerland
World Wide Fund for Nature 29 April, 1961 Avenue du Mont-Blanc, Gland, Vaud, Switzerland
Food & Agricultural Organisation Jose Graziano da Silva 16 October, 1945 Rome, Italy
International Court of Justice Abdulqawi Yusuf 1945 The Hague, The Netherland

Monday, May 09, 2016

List of Important dates of event in India

Important Dates of India after Independence and before Independence. In this list, all important dates of events from 563 to 1948. First important date was Birth of Gautam Buddha and last important date was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated.

Date Name of Event
300-5000 Indus Valley Civilisation
563 Birtd of Gautama Buddha 
527-540 Birth of Mahavir; Nirvana
327-326 Alexander's invasion of India. It opened a land route between India and Europe
313 Accession of Chandragupta Maurya, according to Jain traditions.
305 Defeat of Seleucus at tde hands of Chandragupta Maurya
273-232 Ashoka's reign
261 Conquest of Kalinga
145-101 Reign of Elara, tde Chola king of Sri Lanka
58 Beginning of Vikrami Era
78 Beginning of Saka Era
120 Accession of Kanishka
320 Commencement of Gupta Era, tde golden age of Hindu India
380 Accession of Vikramaditya
405-411 Visit of Chinese traveller Fahien
415 Accession of Kumara Gupta I
455 Accession of Skanda Gupta
606-647 Harshavardhan's reign
712 First invasion in Sindh by Arabs
836 Accession of King Bhoja of Kannauj
985 Accession of Rajaraja tde Chola ruler
998 Accession of Sultan Mahmud
1001 First invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni who defeated Jaipal, ruler of Punjab.
1025 Destruction of Somnatd Temple by Mahmud Ghazni
1191 First Battle of Tarain
1192 Second Battle of Tarain
1206 Accession of Qutub-ud-Din Aibak to tde tdrone oof Delhi
1210 Deatd of Qutub-ud-Din Aibak
1221 Changez Khan invaded India (Mongol invasion)
1236 Accession of Razia Sultan to tde tdrone of Delhi
1240 Deatd of Razia Sultan
1296 Accession of Ala-ud-Din Khilji
1316 Deatd of Ala-ud-Din Khilji
1325 Accession of Muhammad-bin Tughlaq
1327 Shifting of Capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in Deccan by tde Tughlaqs
1336 Foundation of Vijayanagar empire in Soutd
1351 Accession of Feroze Shah
1398 Invasion of India by Timur
1469 Birtd of Guru Nank
1494 Accession of Babur in Farghana
1497-98 First Voyage of Vasco de Gama to India (discovery of sea route to India via Cape of Good Hope) I
1526 First Battle of Panipat; Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi; foundation of Mughal dynasty by Babur
1527 Battle of Kanwaha-Babur defeated Rana Sanga
1530 Death of Babur and Accession of Humayun
1539 Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun and became India's empreor
1555 Humayun recaptured the throne of Delhi
1556 Second battle of Panipal
1565 Battle of Talikota
1576 Battle of Haldighati - Rana Pratap defeated by Akbar
1582 Din-e-IIahi founded by Akbar
1600 East India Company established
1605 Death of Akbar and accession of Jehangir
1606 Execution of Guru Arjun Dev
1611 Jehangir marries Nur Jahan
1616 Sir Thomas Roe visits Jehangir
1627 Birth of Shivaji and death of Jehangir
1628 Shah Jahan becomes emperor of India
1631 Death of Mumtaz Mahal
1634 The English permitted to trade in India (in Bengal)
1659 Accession of Aurangzeb, Shahjahan imprisoned
1665 Shivaji imprisoned, by Aurangzeb
1666 Death of Shah Jahan
1675 Execution of Guru Teg Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs
1680 Death of Shivaji
1707 Death of Aurangzeb
1708 Death of Guru Gobind Singh
1739 Nadir Shah Invades India
1757 Battle of Plassey, establishment of British political rule in India at the hands of Lord Clive
1761 Third Battle of Panipat; Shah Alam II becomes India's emperor
1764 Battle of Buxer
1765 Clive appointed Company's Governor of India
1767-69 First Mysore War
1780 Birth of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
1780-84 Second Mysore War
1784 Pitt's India Act
1790-92 Third Mysore War
1793 The Permanent Settlement of Bengal
1799 Fouth Mysore War - Death of Tipu Sultan
1802 Treaty of Bassein
1809 Treaty of Amritsar
1829 Practice of Sati Prohibited
1830 Raja Ram Mohan Roy visits England
1833 Death of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
1839 Death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
1839-42 First Afghan War
1845-46 First Anglo-Sikh War
1852 Second Anglo-Burmese War
1853 First Railway line opened between Bombay and Thane and a Telegraph line in Calcutta
1857 The Sepoy Mutiny of First War of Independence
1861 Birth of Rabindranath Tagore
1869 Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
1885 Foundation of Indian National Congress
1889 Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru
1897 Birth of Subhash Chandra Bose
1904 Tibet Expedition
1905 First Battle of Bengal under Lord Curzon
1906 Foundation of Muslim League
1911 Delhi Darbar; King and Queen visit India; Delhi becomes the Capital of India
1914 World War I begins
1916 Lucknow Pact Signed by Muslim League and Congress
1918 World War I ends
1919 Montague-Chemsford Reforms introduced; Jallianwala Bagh Massacre at Amritsar
1920 Khilafat Movement launched
1927 Boycott of Simon Commission; broadcasting started in India
1928 Death of Lala Lajpat Rai
1929 Lord Irwain's Pact; resolution of complete independence passed at Lahore Congress
1930 Civil disobedience movement launched; Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi (6 April, 1930)
1931 Gandhi Irwin Pact
1935 Government of India Act enacted
1937 Provincial Autonomy; Congress forms ministries
1939 Word War II begins (September 1)
1941 Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose from India and death of Rabindranath Tagore
1942 Arrival of Cripps Mission in India; Quit India Movement launched (August 8)
1943-1944 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose forms provisional Azad Hind Fauj and Indian National Army; Bengal Famine
1945 Trial of Indian National Army at Red Fort; Shimla Conference; World War II ends
1946 British Cabinet Mission visits India; Interim government formed at centre
1947 Division of India; Indian and Pakistan seperate independent dimensions
1948 Mahatma Gandhi assassinated (Jannuary 30); integration of princely states

Friday, May 06, 2016

First in India in Every Field

Here is the full list of first in India in feature and every field like sport, science, technology Political.


Name of Field Name of person
First subscriber trunk dialing route commissioned  Lucknow and Kanpur.
First PCM system commissioned  Mumbai City and Andheri 
First satellite earth station for domestic communications  Secunderabad, A.P.
First analog Stored Program Control exchange for trunk lines commissioned  Mumbai.
First Underground Metro Railways System Calcutta.
First technology park in India Technopark, Trivandrum was launched
First mobile telephone service started  Delhi
First president of the inaugural session of the Indian Science Congress Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee
First Hydroelectric plant Sidrapong near Darjeeling
Place to get electricity Darjeeling
First Man in space Rakesh Sharma 
First Woman in space Kalpana Chawla
First Test-tube baby Durga Agarwal
First Nuclear Reactor Apsara
First Genetically Modified Food Product in India Bt. Egg plant Hybrid 
First Satellite Aryabhata
First Satellite dedicated exclusively for educational services EDUSAT
First Successfully indigenous launch vehicle SLV-3
First ospective space tourist Santhosh George Kulangara 
Frst Cloned Animal Bhass
First experimental electric telegraph line Kolkata and Diamond Harbor
First wireless telegraph station Sagar Islands and Sandheads
First Central Battery of telephones Kanpur
First Automatic Exchange  Shimla    
First Radio-telegraph system UK and India
First Radiotelephone system inaugurated  UK and India
First Graduate in Medicine Surjo Kumar Chakraborty
First Ever Rhinoplasty noted in world/India Kumhar Vaidya.
First physician in India and second in the world to perform the In vitro fertilization Subhash Mukhopadhyay.
First in India to receive a fellowship of the International Federation for Emergency Medicine Dr. K. Hari Prasad
First Indian to swim across the English Channel Mihir Sen
First Woman to swim across the English Channel Arati Saha 
First Formula One driver Narain Karthikeyan
First Formula One team Force India F1
First A1 GP race victory Narain Karthikeyan, 
First Person to equal world record in Archery
First Person to walk across the Mongolian Gobi Desert Sucheta Kadethankar 
First Indian to win a medal in both Asian games Ashish Kumar
First Indian to win 2 Gold Medals at the Asia Cup  Shiva Keshavan
first Indian to win back to back Olympic medals Bronze and Silver      Sushil Kumar 
first World Peace Sports Festival Ambassador from India      Santhi Soundarajan
Olympic team medal Gold in Field Hockey  Amsterdam beating the Netherlands 
Individual medal Bronze K. D. Jadhav 
First Medal in Tennis Leander Paes 
First Individual Gold medal Abhinav Bindra 
First Individual Silver medal (Independent India) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore 
First Medal in boxing Vijender Kumar 
First bronze medal in the London Olympics in Badminton Saina Nehwal
First Bronze medal in the Beijing Olympics in wrestling Sushil Kumar, 
First Bronze Medal in wrestling in London Olympics Yogeshwar Dutt 
First Male Chess Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, 
First Female chess player  Koneru Humpy
First Cricket Club in India Calcutta now Kolkata 
First test match played in India India v/s England in Eden Gardens
First Indian Cricket Captain  Sourav Ganguly
First Cricket Stadium Eden Gardens 
First Indian Captain to win more than 21 test matches as a captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni
First Captain in  C. K. Nayudu 
First ODI captain Ajit Wadekar.
First Cricketer to score a century in a Test match Lala Amarnath 
First Indian to score the highest runs in a World Cup Sourav Ganguly 
First Cricketer to score a double century in a Test match Polly Umrigar, 
First Cricketer to score a triple century in a Test match Virender Sehwag 
First Indian to score an ODI century Kapil Dev
First Indian to score two ODI double centuries and the highest individual runs in ODI is  Rohit Sharma
First Hat-trick in an ODI Chetan Sharma 
First World Cup Runners up captain Sourav Ganguly 
First World Cup India beat West Indies in the Finals 
First Batsman to complete 10,000 runs in Tests Sunil Gavaskar
First Batsman to complete 10,000 runs in ODIs Sachin Tendulkar 
First Winner of the T20 World Cup India
First Cricketer to score 100 centuries in Test and ODIs  Sachin Tendulkar 
First bowler to take all 10 wickets in an innings Anil Kumble 
First batsman to score 50 centuries in Test Cricket Sachin Tendulkar
First woman to score a double hundred in Test cricket Mithali Raj 
First Sixer sixes in an Over Yuvraj Singh 
Fastest Fifty in a T20I 50 runs of 12 balls  Yuvraj Singh
First Indian to recieve Noble in Literature Rabindranath Tagore
First Indian to recieve Noble in Physics C. V. Raman
First Indian to recieve Noble in medicine Har Gobind Khorana
First Indian to recieve Noble in Peace Mother Teresa
First Indian to recieve Noble in Economics Amartya Sen
First Indian to recieve Noble in Chemistry Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
First Indian to recieve Noble in Peace Kailash Sathyarthi 
First Indian to recieve oscar award Bhanu Athaiya 
First Dam in the India Kallanai Dam 
First Stepwell still existing  Mata Bhavani's Stepwell.
First temple constructed from a single rock Kailasa temple
First temple in Kalinga architecture Konark
First temple with many interconnected structures  Brihadeeswarar Temple
First Islamic (tomb) in India Sultan Ghari Sultan Ghari 
First true dome Alai Darwaza
First true arch Balban's tomb
First garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent, also the first with Persian double-dome Humayun's Tomb 
First Mosque in India Cheraman Juma Masjid
Mr. Universe Manohar Aich 
Miss World Reita Faria
Miss Asia Pacific Zeenat Aman
International Teen Princess Radha Bartake
Miss Teenage Intercontinental Elizabeth Anita Reddi
Miss World Amber  Mala Rai Singani
World Miss University Priyadarshini Pradhan
Miss Universe Sushmita Sen
Miss India Worldwide Karminder Kaur Virk
Miss Intercontinental Lara Dutta
Mr. International Aryan Vaid
Manhunt International Rajeev Singh
Miss Tourism International Candice Pinto
Mrs. World Aditi Gowitrikar
Miss Tourism Queen International Zabina Abdul Rashid Khan
Miss World Tourism  Sonal Chauhan
Best Model of the World  Siddharth Shukla
Miss Tourism Priyanka Shah
Miss Earth Nicole Faria
Miss Tourism Queen of the Year International Urvashi Rautela
Miss Asia Pacific World Himangini Singh Yadu
Mister United Nations  Rahul Vyas
Miss Supranational  Asha Bhat
Miss Universal Peace and Humanity  Ruhi Singh
Miss Tourism International   Parul Bindal
First Indian to win any literary award  Dhan Gopal Mukerji
First Indian to win a major non-fiction award Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Man Booker Prize Arundhati Roy 
First Indian to speak as Orator at the Harvard University Bhaswati Bhattacharya
First Indian to recieve Bharat Ratna Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
First Indian to recieve Padma Vibhushan Satyendra Nath Bose
First Indian to recieve Param Vir Chakra  Major Somnath Sharma
First Commandeur of the Order of Arts and Letters Mrinal Sen
First Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters Sivaji Ganesan
Dadasaheb Phalke Award Devika Rani
Ashoka Chakra Award to a civilian D.K. Jatar 
Magsaysay Award Vinoba Bhave
Stalin Peace Prize  Saifuddin Kitchlew
Oscar for Lifetime Achievement  Satyajit Ray
Nishan-e-Pakistan Morarji Desai
President of Indian Republic Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Prime Minister of Indian Republic Jawaharlal Nehru
Vice President of Indian Republic Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Defence Minister of India Baldev Singh
Commander-in-Chief of Free India:Kodandera  Madappa Cariappa
Indian Commander-in-Chief of Free India Kodandera Madappa Cariappa
Chief of Air Staff Subroto Mukerjee
Indian Chief of Staff Indian Army Maharaj Shri Rajendrasinhji Jadeja
Commander-in-Chief, IAF Subroto Mukerjee
Chief of Naval Staff Sir Charles  Thomas Mark Pizey
First Indian flying ace  Indra Lal Roy
India's first military helicopter pilot Air Commodore  Sudhindra Kumar Majumdar
Cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw 
First female jawan in the Army Sapper Shanti Tigga
First Param Vir Chakra Winner Major Som Nath Sharma
First power in India with Soviet Collaboration Neyveli Lignite Corporation
First central PSU to be privatized Modern Food Industries in January 
Person to ride alone around the world on motorcycle  Bharadwaj Dayala
Person to fly in a balloon and land in a parachute Shibnath Majumdar
Person to reach the South Pole Bijoy Kumar Das
Woman to scale Mount Everest Bachendri Pal 
Person to reach Mount Everest without oxygen  Sherpa Anga Dorjee
Woman to reach South Pole Reena Kaushal Dharmshaktu
Person to reach the North Pole Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan 
Person to have walked across Gobi desert Sucheta Kadethankar
Youngest one in the world to climb Everest Malavath Purna 
First Dadasaheb Phalke Award recipient Devika Rani
First 3-D film My Dear Kuttichathan, a Malayalam film, 
Sponsored TV serial Hum Log
First film to shoot underwater Kannada movie  Ondu Muttina Kathe
First Oscar for Lifetime Achievement Satyajit Ray
First Indian filmmaker to get Bharat Ratna Satyajit Ray
First Ordre des Arts et des Lettres Actor  Sivaji Ganesan
First Colorized film Mughal-e-Azam 
Ordre des Arts et des Lettres Actress Sharmila Tagore
Film screened at the United Nations Lage Raho Munna Bhai
Actor to enact most roles  Kamal Haasan 
First  Music director double Oscar winner A. R. Rahman 
Actress to enact most roles  Priyanka Chopra 
President of the Indian National Congress Womesh Chandra Bannerjee
President of the Indian National Congress of independent India Acharya Kripalani
First President Rajendra Prasad 
The first Chief Election Commissioner  Sukumar Sen
Industries and Supplies Minister Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
The first person to resign from the Central Cabinet Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Vice-President Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel 
Law Minister of India B. R. Ambedkar
Leader of Opposition A. K. Gopalan
Prime Minister to be voted out of office Indira Gandhi 
Non-Congress government Janata Party
Non-Congress State government with Majority by a single party E. M. S. Namboodiripad of CPI 
Prime Minister to lead a minority government for a full term  P. V. Narasimha Rao 
Nehru-Gandhi family to serve as Prime Minister for a full term  P. V. Narasimha Rao, 
Non Congress Prime Minister to serve a full term Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Prime Minister from South India P. V. Narasimha Rao
The first Viceroy of India Lord Canning
Governor-General of Independent India Lord Mountbatten
Indian Governor-General of Indian Union C Rajagopalachari
First Sikh Prime Minister Manmohan Singh 
First Muslim President Zakir Hussain 
First Sikh President Giani Zail Singh
Indian ICS Officer Satyendranath Tagore
Speaker of Lok Sabha G.V. Mavlankar 
Finance Minister of Independent  R.K. Shanmukhan Chetty 
Presentation of First Budget after India's Independence R. K. Shanmukhan Chetty 
First Home Minister of India Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
First Indian President to die in Office Zakir Hussain
First Chief Minister to die in Office C.N.Annadurai
First Indian Prime Minister to resign from office Morarji Desai
First Prime Minister to be born after India's independence Narendra Modi
First Governor-General of India Warren Hastings